- Couples Counselling Tip - Avoid Being Right.
- What Makes Love Last?
- Cheating - Why do Men and Women Cheat?
- Relationship Counselling - Why it's a good idea
- Relationship Counselling - How To Communicate Better
- Change In Relationship Counselling
- All About Love
- Couple Intimacy Exercise
- Relationship Counselling - "Be here Now"
- Stuck Relationship Patterns
What kind of issues do people bring?
Here is a list of some of the issues:
- A lack of quality time together
- Abusive relationships
- Affairs - Making sense of affairs and dealing with the hurt
- Anger issues
- Arguing too much
- Boarding school survivor issues
- Falling out of love/ Not sure if we want to be together
- How to nourish our relationship
- I love you but I’m not in love with you issues
- Issues over wanting /not wanting children
- Jealousy and possessiveness
- Kids left home, how do we get on with each other
- Lack of intimacy
- Lack of personal space, boundaries
- Living arrangments
- Managing a Long distance relationship
- Men resentful and overwhelmed by partners needs
- New mums and dads – exhaustion, lack of nourishment, feeling disconnected
- Not Arguing
- Not being able to communicate
- One partner distancing, the other pursuing
- Overworking, inbalance of responsibilities
- Parenting issues
- Power inbalances
- Resentments, feeling undermined
- Relationship expectations
- Sexual issues, feeling rejected, dealing with different desires
- Splitting off feels, Addictions, pornography
- Step Families – problems getting on with children and step children. Conflict of Loyalties
- Stress, anxiety
- Understanding Gender differences
- Wanting more romance/ passion/ sexual desire